Agent principal definition
Agent principal definition

agent principal definition

But, tenants may open windows rather than turn down the heating. He asks tenants to take care of the property and minimise electricity bills. The landlord owns house and rents out to tenants. Instead, they concentrate on enjoying work and getting on with workers. However, the manager and workers, who are responsible for day to day running of the firm, may fail to pursue profit maximisation. Shareholders will wish to maximise a firm’s profits to increase their dividends. Asymmetric information (the agent having more information than principle.) The shareholder can see some stats like profit, but only the manager knows exactly how hard he worked or didn’t.

agent principal definition

  • Multiple actors who have a different set of objectives (e.g.
  • For example, a lazy worker gets a job because the employer doesn’t know he is lazy. This is where the agent has private information before a contract is written. The Principal-agent problem can also cause adverse selection – poor choices based on asymmetric information. In extreme cases, the mutually beneficial action may not happen because the principal lacks information. The principal-agent problem can lead to market failure because the agent pursues his own self-interest rather than that of the principal and the business may be run in an inefficient way.

    agent principal definition

    Also, in this situation, the manager does not share the same interest in maximising profits as the owner. However, due to agency costs, the shareholder cannot fully know how hard the agent is working and to what extent the manager is fulfilling the contract. He hires a manager (agent) to run the business. Secondly, the interests of the principal diverge from that of the agent, meaning that the outcome is less desirable than the principal expects.įor example, a shareholder (principal) wants to maximise profits for his firm.


    The principal-agent problem occurs when a principal delegates an action to another individual (agent), but the principal does not have full information about how the agent will behave.

    Agent principal definition